Monday, November 19, 2012

An exhibition by students of the Diploma of Photo Imaging

Blue Gallery has been chosen as the venue for the upcoming exhibition of the Graduating students of Diploma of Photography course, Nepean Arts and Design Centre, TAFE.
 The Official Opening is on Wednesday 28th of November at 6.30pm and visitors are welcome to attend either the opening or in the week following to view the photographs and meet the students and teachers.

Titled 'Portrayal' , the exhibition will run from 28th Nov - 5th Dec 2012.

'Portrayal' is a collection of the creative works of emerging talent in the photographic industry. It is a product of 2 years of hard work, study and creativity of 8 photographers.Displaying a range of styles and genres, the exhibition will treat visitors to a feast of visual flavours ranging from Commercial, to Fashion, Portraiture and Fine Art...and more.

The works exhibited are the final folios of students studying for their Diploma of Photography at the Nepean Arts and Design Centre (NADC), Western Sydney Institute of TAFE. NADC runs courses of extensive and practical learning in the fields of Photography, Design and Fine Art.

Following the Official Opening, the exhibition will be open for viewing from 10am - 4pm each day, Thursday 29th November - Wednesday 5th December. Blue Gallery is located at 106 March Street, Richmond.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Profile: Stuart Marshall, Certificate IV Photo Imaging -Immersed in Photography!

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Certificate IV Photo Imaging student Stuart Marshall is already working as a photographerin-between his studies. Stuart began his journey at Nepean Arts and Design Centre 10 years ago, when he studied the Certifcate IV in Digital Arts and Media. He returned in 2012 to study the Certificate IV in Photo Imaging, and this year he has fully immersed himself in his photography.

Whilst extending his skills through his study, Stuart takes on some freelance work, and has recently had work published in both the Sydney Morning Herald, and National Geographic online.

Students in the Certificate IV get the opportunity to work on real jobs as part of their study, and Stuart recently did some events photography for the Fine Arts Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts, and Certificate III Ceramics end of year exhibitions. You check out some of his work on our facebook page:

Stuart is happy to do whatever photographic work required, but ultimately aims to work in press and sports photography. You can contact Stu via email at

Interviews for the 2013 Certificate IV Photo Imaging  are taking place in November. For any inquiries, call the Head Teacher on ph 9208 9325, or to book your interview time, contact Regina Cooper on ph 9208 9484.